The small3d library
Tiny C++ 3D game development library for Win/MacOS/Linux/FreeBSD
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBinaryFileNative model file loader. The model file loaded has to have been produced by converting a file in a supported format to a small3d native binary file using the format converter program, s3dfc, produced by this project's build scripts, for example by running s3dfc car.glb car.bin (this would convert a car gltf (.glb) model file to a native binary model file) ATTENTION: Unfortunately the native binary files have issues across architectures. So for example binaries created on Windows do not work on Linux. They need to be created and tested separately for each
 CBoundingBoxSetSet of bounding boxes for a SceneObject, calculated based on the vertices of a Model
 CextremesStructure to hold the coordinates of the extremes of each box
 CFileAbstract file parser class
 CGlbFile.glb (glTF) file parser class. It can load meshes, textures and linear animations from samplers with a common input (the rest are ignored)
 CImageAn image, loaded from a .png file, which can be used for generating textures
 CLoggerUsed for logging through macros (LOGERROR, LOGDEBUG, LOGINFO)
 CMat44x4 float matrix
 CMaterialA 3D model material
 CModelA 3D model. It can be loaded from a WavefrontFile or GlbFile. It can also be constructed procedurally by code, by inserting values to the appropriate member variables
 CAnimationComponentAnimation component
 CRendererRenderer class (OpenGL 3.3 / OpenGL ES 3.0)
 CSceneObjectAn object that appears on the 3D scene. It is made up of a Model, together with information for positioning, rotation and collision detection. Skeletal animation is supported if contained in the Model. Otherwise, frame based animation can be used if the SceneObject is constructed with a vector of Models, each of which will be used as an animation frame
 CSoundClass that loads and plays a sound from an ogg file, or a native sound file. In the latter case, the file loaded has to have been produced by converting an .ogg file to a small3d native binary file using the format converter program, s3dfc, produced by this project's build scripts, for example by running s3dfc engine.ogg engine.bin (this would convert an engine sound .ogg file to a native binary sound file) ATTENTION: Unfortunately the native binary files have issues across architectures. So for example binaries created on Windows do not work on Linux. They need to be created and tested separately for each
 CVec33 component float vector
 CVec3i3 component integer vector
 CVec44 component vector
 CVec4i4 component integer vector
 CWavefrontFile.obj (Wavefront) file parser class. The file format has to be somewhat specific, with triangulated faces and containing the normals. Such a file can be exported from Blender for example (see From the file menu, select Export > Wavefront (.obj). Then from the "Export OBJ" menu, only select "Write Normals", "Triangulate Faces" and "Keep Vertex Order"
 CWindowingWindow management class