The small3d library
Tiny C++ 3D game development library for Win/MacOS/Linux
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small3d::Vec4 Class Reference

4 component vector More...

#include <Math.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 Vec4 (float x, float y, float z, float w)
 Vec4 (const Vec3 &vec3, float w)
Vec4operator+= (const Vec4 &other)
Vec4 operator+ (const Vec4 &other)
Vec4 operator- (const Vec4 &other)
Vec4operator*= (const float v)
Vec4 operator* (const float v) const
Vec4 operator* (const Vec4 &other) const
Vec4operator/= (const float div)
float & operator[] (int idx)
Vec4operator= (const Vec4 &other)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &archive)

Public Attributes

float x = 0.0f
float y = 0.0f
float z = 0.0f
float w = 0.0f

Detailed Description

4 component vector

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