The small3d library
small3d Directory Reference


file  BasePath.hpp [code]
 Single function to return the base path on any platform.
file  BinaryFile.hpp [code]
 Binary file loader.
file  BoundingBoxSet.hpp [code]
 Bounding boxes for collision detection.
file  File.hpp [code]
 File parser virtual class.
file  GlbFile.hpp [code]
 .glb file parser
file  Image.hpp [code]
 Image loading and manipulation.
file  Logger.hpp [code]
 Logger used in small3d.
file  Material.hpp [code]
 Material structure.
file  Math.hpp [code]
 Vectors, matrices and other math things.
file  Model.hpp [code]
 A 3D model class.
file  Renderer.hpp [code]
 Header of the Renderer class.
file  SceneObject.hpp [code]
 An object on the small3d scene.
file  Sound.hpp [code]
 A sound class.
file  Time.hpp [code]
 Time functions.
file  WavefrontFile.hpp [code]
 Wavefront (.obj) file parser.